例句 |
penaltiesnounpl. of penalty a sum of money to be paid as a punishmentthe penalty for speeding is $10 for every mile over the speed limit damages, fines, forfeits, forfeitures, mulcts reparationsassessments, awards, compensationsindemnities suffering, loss, or hardship imposed in response to a crime or offensein some cases, the new penalties for drug offenses were harsher than those for violent crimes castigations, chastisements, comeuppances, corrections, deserts, disciplines, nemeses, punishments, wraths reprisals, retaliations, retributions, revenges, vengeancesassessments, charges, fines, mulctsexamples, sentencesconfinements, imprisonments, incarcerationscondemnations, damnations, denouncementscensures, criticisms, rebukes, reprimands, reproofs amnesties, indemnities, pardons, parolesacquittals, exculpations, exonerations, vindicationsexemptions, immunities, impunitiesreleasescommutations, reprievesabsolutions, remissions, remitmentscondonations, disregards the negative result caused by something that creates difficulty for achieving successsuffered the penalty of his decision to leave school without graduating despites, detriments, disadvantages, disfavors deficits, deprivations, expenses, lossesdamages, harms, hurts, injuriesprejudices advantages, favors gains |