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penetrateverb to go or come in or intoa needle penetrated the heavy canvas only with great effort access, enter, pierce barge (in), breeze (in), burst (in or into), waltz (in)drop in, pop (in)stray (into), wander (into)crash, encroach, gate-crash, infiltrate, infringe, intrude, invade, trespass set foot in, step into depart, exit, leave enter, penetrate, pierce, probe mean to make way into something.enter is the most general of these and may imply either going in or forcing a way in.entered the city in triumph penetrate carries a strong implication of an impelling force or compelling power that achieves entrance.the enemy penetrated the fortress pierce means an entering or cutting through with a sharp pointed instrument.pierced the boil with a lancet probe implies penetration to investigate or explore something hidden from sight or knowledge.probed the depths of the sea ca. 1530 |