例句 |
complaintnoun an expression of dissatisfaction, pain, or resentmenta warning that if there were any more complaints, we were turning around and not going to the beach after all beef, bitch, bleat, carp, fuss, grievance, gripe, grouch, grouse, grumble, holler, kvetch, lament, miserere, moan, murmur, plaint, squawk, wail, whimper, whine, whinge(British), yammer challenge, demur, expostulation, kick, niggle(chiefly British), objection, protest, quibble, remonstrance, stink commendation, compliment, plauditacclaim, applause, praiseapproval, endorsement(also indorsement), sanction a feeling or declaration of disapproval or dissentthe condo development proceeded despite the complaints of the neighborhood residents challenge, demur, demurral, demurrer, difficulty, exception, expostulation, fuss, kick, objection, protest, question, remonstrance, stink compunction, doubt, misgiving, qualm, scruplemisunderstandingcavil, niggle(chiefly British), quibbleargument, conflict, debate, dispute, dissent, hassle, quarrel, squabble, staticcensure, criticismdefiance, disobedience, rebelliondistrust, distrustfulness, dubiety, dubitation(archaic), incertitude, indetermination, misdoubt, mistrust, mistrustfulness, reservation, skepticism, suspicion, uncertaintyqualmishness, unease, uneasinessreluctance, unwillingness willingnessapproval, sanctionacceptance, acquiescence, agreement, assentcompliance, obedience a formal claim of criminal wrongdoing against a personfiled a complaint in court charge, count, indictment, rap accusation, allegation, pleacriminationcounteraccusation, counterchargearraignment, impeachmentimplication, imputation, innuendo, insinuationcensure, condemnation, denunciationincrimination, recrimination an abnormal state that disrupts a plant's or animal's normal bodily functioningtakes a slew of medicines for his many complaints affection, ail, ailment, bug, complication, condition, disease, disorder, distemper, distemperature, fever, ill, illness, infirmity, malady, sickness, trouble contagion, contagious diseasecontagium, infectionattack, bout, fit, spelldebility, decrepitude, feebleness, frailness, lameness, sickliness, unhealthiness, unsoundness, unwellness, weaknessmalaise, matter, pipepidemic, pest, pestilence, plague health, wellness fitness, healthiness, heartiness, robustness, soundness, wholeness, wholesomenessfettle, shape in the 14th century |