例句 |
complexesnounpl. of complex a structure that is designed and built for a particular purposean apartment complex establishments, facilities, installations buildings, edificesinstitutes, institutionsbusinesses, companies, concerns, outfits something made up of many interdependent or related partsa complex of goverment programs designed to assist the needy networks, systems interlacements, meshes, meshworks, nets, plexuses, websaggregates, conglomerates, totalities, wholessequences, seriessupersystems complexesverbpresent tense third-person singular of complexto make complex or difficultthere's no need to complex what should be a simple process for obtaining a building permit complexifies, complicates, embarrasses, entangles, perplexes, sophisticates develops, elaborates, expandsintensifies, magnifiesconfounds, confuses, messes (up), mixes (up), muddlessnarls, tangles simplifies, streamlines abbreviates, cuts, shortenseases, facilitatesdisentangles, straightens (out), unravels, untanglesoversimplifies |