例句 |
compositionnoun a literary, musical, or artistic productionthe compositions of Michelangelo include the dome of St. Peter's, the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and his monumental statue of David number, opus, piece, work classic, magnum opus, masterpiece, pièce de résistance, showpiecemodel, outline, sketchétudecanon, corpus, oeuvre a short piece of writing done as a school exercisea teacher who is fond of having her class write compositions paper, theme article, essay, story the way in which the elements of something (as a work of art) are arrangedstudent photographers learn the importance of composition in creating striking images arrangement, configuration, constellation, design, form, format, getup, layout, makeup, ordonnance, pattern motif, theme a short piece of writing typically expressing a point of viewsubmitted a composition to the local newspaper for its special section marking Martin Luther King Day article, essay, paper, theme causeriecolumn, commentary, editorial, feature, report, review, write-updissertation, thesistract, treatisediscourse, discussion, exposition, prolegomenon, study in the 14th century |