例句 |
automobilesnounpl. of automobile a self-propelled passenger vehicle on four wheelsbrowsed online for used automobiles for sale autos, buses(also busses), cars, horseless carriages, machines, motorcars, motors, motor vehicles, wheels(slang) coaches, jitneys, microbuses(or microbusses), minibuses(or minibusses), minivans, omnibuses, vansconvertibles, fastbacks, hardtops, hatchbacks, notchbacks, ragtops, sports cars, sport-utility vehicles, station wagons, SUVs, town cars, wagons, woodiescompacts, coupes(or coupés), intermediates, limousines, minicars, minis, sedans, subcompacts, V-8sgas-guzzlers, land yachtsmuscle cars, stock cars, turbocarsbeaters, clunkers, crates, flivvers, jalopies, junkerscream puffsphaetons, roadsters, tin lizzies, touring carshybrids automobilesverbpresent tense third-person singular of automobileto travel by a motorized vehiclewould rather automobile across the country than fly over it at 35,000 feet drives, motors, tools rolls, wheelsjoyrideschauffeurs, hacks, taxis(or taxies)ridesdrags, races |