例句 |
concatenatedverbpast tense of concatenate to put or bring together so as to form a new and longer wholeconcatenate several lists of instructions into a single master file catenated, chained, compounded, conjugated, connected, coupled, hitched, hooked, interconnected, interlinked, joined, linked, yoked articulated, dovetailed, integrated, interlocked, intermeshedcorded, strung, wiredcemented, coalesced, combined, fused, united, welded disconnected, disjoined, disjointed, dissevered, disunited, separated, unchained, uncoupled, unhitched, unlinked, unyoked detached, disengaged, divided, parted, splitcleaved(or cleft), ruptured, severed, sundered to put together into a series by means of or as if by means of a threadthe movie actually concatenates into one extended narrative several episodes from various books in the series strung, threaded chained, connected, joined, linked, unitedinterlaced, interspersed, intertwined, interwove(also interweaved), laced, wove(or weaved), wreathed |