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soft touchesnounpl. of soft touch one who is easily deceived or cheatedthe kindly old woman was a soft touch for any con man with a hard-luck story chumps, dupes, gulls, mugs(chiefly British), patsies, pigeons, pushovers, saps, suckers, tools cat's-paws, marks, targets, victimsschlemiels(also shlemiels)butts, derisions, laughingstocks, mockeries, mocksboobies, dodoes(or dodos), fools, geese, half-wits, jackasses, lunatics, monkeys, nincompoops, ninnies, nitwits, simpletons, simps, turkeys, yo-yoslosersblockheads, dolts, dopes, dumbbells, dummies, dunces, idiots, imbeciles, morons, schlubs(also shlubs, slang), schlumps(slang), schnooks(slang) cheaters, cheats, confidence men, cozeners, defrauders, dodgers, hoaxers, sharks, sharpers, slickers, swindlers, tricksters |