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solacenoun a feeling of ease from grief or troublethe kind words brought a little solace to the grieving widow cheer, comfort, consolation, relief encouragement, inspiration, upliftassurance, reassurancealleviation, assuagement, mitigationcontentment, gladness, happinesscommiseration, empathy, sympathyaid, assistance, help, succor cold comfortanguish, distress, heartache, heartbreak, torment, torture the giving of hope and strength in times of grief, distress, or sufferingthe selfless solace of the sick by the workers at the hospice comforting, consolation, consoling, reassurance, solacing commiseration, compassion, condolence, feeling, sympathycounseling(or counselling)humanity, kindheartedness, kindliness, kindness, mercy, pity solaceverbto ease the grief or distress ofcounselors did their best to solace the bereaved children assure, cheer, comfort, console, reassure, soothe commiserate, condole, empathize, sympathizeboost, buoy (up), elevate, lift, upliftallay, alleviate, assuage, relievecalm, quiet, relax, tranquilize(also tranquillize) distress, torment, torture, trouble demoralize, discourage, disheartenfret, upset, worryaggravate, intensify, worsenannoy, irk, irritateharass, pester to cause (someone) to pass the time agreeably occupiedI solaced myself with a book while I waited for the bus amuse, disport, divert, entertain, regale absorb, busy, distract, engage, engross, immerse, interest, involve, occupybeguile, bewitch, captivate, charm, delight, enchant, enthrall(or enthral), fascinategrip, hypnotize, intrigue, mesmerizecoddle, gratify, humor, indulge, mollycoddle, pamper, please, pleasure, spoilappease, comfort, conciliate, console, content, mollify, oblige, pacify, placate, propitiate, soothe bore, jadedrain, enervate, exhaust, fatigue, tire, wear, wear out, wearyaggravate, annoy, bother, bug, chafe, disturb, exasperate, fret, gall, grate, harass, harry, irk, nettle, peeve, perturb, pester, pique, upset, vex in the 13th century |