例句 |
high groundsnounpl. of high ground the more favorable condition or position in a competitionone would have thought that having the superior product would have given the company the high ground in the video format war advantages, betters, bulges, catbird seats, drops, edges, inside tracks, jumps, pulls, steads, upper hands, vantages, whip hands allowances, head starts, leads, legs up, margins, odds, startsascendancies(also ascendencies), commands, dominances, masteries, predominances, superiorities, supremacies, transcendences, transcendenciesprecedences, preferences, prerogatives, privileges, senioritiesbreaks, footholds, opportunitiesbenefits, blessings, boons, felicities, godsends, mannas, windfalls coigns of vantage disadvantages, drawbacks, handicaps, liabilities, minuses, penalties, strikes detriments, strangleholdsdisparities, imbalances, inequalitiesdisabilities, failings, impairments, shortcomingsbars, catches, checks, clogs, crimps, embarrassments, hindrances, hitches, hurdles, impediments, interferences, lets, manacles, obstacles, obstructions, rubs, shackles, stops, trammelslurches, setbacks |