例句 |
right nowadverb at the present timeright now we are in the middle of a major home renovation anymore, currently, now, nowadays, presently, today here at present, for the time being before, formerly, long, once, then away, far, farthest, remotestheretofore, hitherto, sinceago, previously without delayanswer my question right now bang, directly, forthwith, headlong, immediately, incontinently, instantaneously, instanter, instantly, now, PDQ, plumb, presently, promptly, pronto, right, right away, right off, straight off, straightaway, straightway away, freelyanon, momentarily, shortly, soonapace, briskly, fast, fleetly, full-tilt, posthaste, quick, quickly, rapidly, readily, snappily, speedily, swift, swiftlyabruptly, presto, suddenly, unexpectedlyhastily, impetuously, impulsively, rashly, recklesslyexactly, opportunely, punctually, seasonably at once, in no time, off the bat, on a dime, on the double, on the spot slowlylate, tardily in the 14th century |