例句 |
hissnoun a sound similar to the speech sound \\s\\ stretched outthe hiss of air escaping from a balloon a vocal sound made to express scorn or disapprovalthere was a chorus of boos and hisses from the fans when the umpire called the runner out bird(chiefly British), boo, Bronx cheer, catcall, hoot, jeer, raspberry, razz, snort smirk, sneer, snicker, sniggergibe(or jibe), put-down, tauntwhistle cheer applause, clapping hissverbto make a sound like that of stretching out the speech sound \\s\\the frightened kitten hissed at us when we tried to pick it up fizz, fizzle, sizzle, swish, whish, whiz(or whizz) swoosh, wheeze, whistle, whoosh, zipbubble, effervescebuzz, drone, hum in the 14th century |