例句 |
wherewithalnoun available moneyhad the wherewithal to pay cash for the car bankroll, coffers, exchequer, finances, fund, pocket, resources shirtbread(slang), cash, chips, currency, dough, gold, jack(slang), legal tender, lucre, pelf, scratch(slang), tender, wampumassets, capital, deep pockets, fortune, means, opulence, riches, roll, substance, wealthpurse, treasurycash flowfinancing debts, liabilitiesindebtedness the total of one's money and propertypeople with the wherewithal to be able to afford such a lavish lifestyle assets, capital, fortune, means, opulence, riches, substance, wealth, worth belongings, chattels, effects, holdings, paraphernalia, possessions, thingsbankroll, deep pockets, finances, funds, money, walletabundance, affluence, prosperity, successtreasure, valuablesaccession, acquisition, personal property, personalty, propertynest egg, reserve, resources, savings, treasury debts, liabilitiesindebtedness in 1534 |