

单词 whip
例句 whipnoun

a long thin or flexible tool for strikinga 100-year-old whip that was once used by a coachman

flogger, lash, scourge, switch

birch, blacksnake, bullwhip, cat-o'-nine-tails, cowhide, crop, hickory, knout, quirt, rattan, rawhide, strapbastinado(or bastinade), bat, baton, billy, billy club, bludgeon, cane, club, cudgel, flail, nightstick, staff


to strike repeatedly with something long and thin or flexiblewhipped the animal when it did not move fast enough to please him

birch, cowhide, flagellate, flail, flog, hide, horsewhip, lash, leather, rawhide, scourge, slash, switch, tan, thrash, whale

knout, quirt, strapcutflick, touch upblackjack, cane, club, cudgel, fustigatepistol-whipbang, bop, box, bust, clap, clip, clobber, clout, crack, cuff, hit, knock, lam, paste, punch, slap, slug, smack, smite, sock, spank, swat, swipe, thwack, wallop, whackbash, baste, bat, batter, beat, belabor, belt, bludgeon, buffet, bung, drub, fib(British), hammer, lace, lambaste(or lambast), lather, lick, mangle, maul, paddle, pelt, pommel, pound, pummel, rough, slate, slog, thresh, thump, tromp, whop(or whap), whup, work over

to defeat by a large marginwe whipped them 13-0 in the last game

annihilate, blow away, bomb, bury, clobber, cream, drub, dust, flatten, paste, rout, shellac, skin, skunk, smoke(slang), smother, snow under, thrash, trim, tromp, trounce, wallop, wax(slang), whomp, whop(or whap), whup

sweep, upsetbeat, best, conquer, dispatch, hurdle, lick, master, overbear, overcome, overmatch, prevail (over), subdue, surmount, take, throw, triumph (over), win (against), worstcrush, knock off, knock over, overpower, overthrow, overwhelm, subjugate, upend, vanquishace (out), better, eclipse, exceed, outdistance, outdo, outfight, outshine, outstrip, overtop, surpass, top, transcendedge (out), nose out, pip(British)cap, excel, flourish, score, succeedbreak, destroy, do in, finish, sink, slaughter

beat the pants off, eat alive, run circles around(or run rings around), wipe the floor with(or wipe the ground with)

to change the course or direction of (something)any more complaints and I'm whipping this car around and heading back home

deflect, divert, redirect, swing, turn, veer, wheel

avert, deviate, move, rechannel, shift, shunt, sidetrack, swerve, switch, transferswivel, twist, whirl, zigzagbend, curve, swayreverse, turn back

to move or cause to move with a striking motionher hair whipped in the wind

beat, flail, flap, flop, flutter

bang, batter, buffet, knock, pound, smack, spank, thumpflick, flicker, flitfan, oscillate, sway, swingundulate, wavepalpitate, pulse, throb

to strike repeatedlyhuge raindrops whipped the windows

bash, baste, bat, batter, beat, belabor, belt, birch, bludgeon, buffet, bung up, club, curry, do, drub, fib(British), flog, hammer, hide, lace, lambaste(or lambast), lash, lather, lick, maul, mess (up), paddle, pelt, pommel, pound, pummel, punch out, rough (up), slate, slog, switch, tan, thrash, thresh, thump, tromp, wallop, whale, whop(or whap), whup, work over

assail, assault, attack, beset, box, bust, chop, clobber, clout, crack, cudgel, cuff, descend (on or upon), hit, jump (on), knock, lam, lay on, paste, pounce (on or upon), punch, raid, rush, slam, slap, smack, smash, sock, spank, storm, swat, swipe, thwack, whack, wham, whompblackjack, cane, cowhide, flagellate, fustigate, horsewhip, leather, pistol-whip, rawhide, scourge, strapgore, lacerate, woundmaim, mangle, mutilate

beat up on

in the 14th century





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