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whirlsnounpl. of whirl a rapid turning about on an axis or central pointthe whirl of the mechanical ride made him dizzy gyrations, pirouettes, reels, revolutions, rolls, rotations, spins, twirls, wheels circuits, circulations, rings, roundscoils, curls, curves, spirals, twists, whorlscircles, orbitseddies, swirls a state of mental uncertaintyso many changes at once had her all in a whirl bafflements, bamboozlements, befuddlements, bemusements, bewilderments, confusions, discombobulations, distractions, fogs, head-scratchings, mazes(chiefly dialect), muddles, mystifications, perplexities, puzzlements, tangles abashments, discomfitures, disconcertments, embarrassments, mortificationsagitations, chagrins, discomforts, dismays, disquiets, distresses, disturbances, perturbations, upsetsbothers, commotions, dithers, flurries, flusters, fusses, stews, turmoils assurances, certainties, certitudes, confidences, convictions a state of noisy, confused activitylost an earring in the whirl of the party ados, alarums and excursions, ballyhoos, blathers, bluster, bobberies, bothers, bustles, clatters, clutters(chiefly dialect), coils, commotions, corroborees(Australian), disturbances, dos(or do's, chiefly dialect), foofaraws, fun, furores, furors, fusses, helter-skelters, hoo-has(also hoo-hahs), hooplas, hubble-bubbles, hubbubs, hullabaloos, hurlies, hurly-burlies, hurricanes, hurry-scurries(or hurry-skurries), kerfuffles(chiefly British), moils, pandemoniums, pothers, rows, ruckuses, ructions, rumpuses, shindys(or shindies), splores(Scottish), squalls, stews, stirs, storms, to-dos, tumults, turmoils, uproars, welters, williwaws, zoos cacophonies, clamors, dins, howls, hue and cries, noises, outcries, rackets, roarsdisorders, upheavalseruptions, flare-ups, flurries, flutters, outbreaks, outburstsbrawls, fracases(or British fracas), frays, hassles, melees(also mêlées), scufflesdithers, fevers, frets, lathers, tizzies calms, hushes, peaces, quiets, quietudes, rests, tranquillities(or tranquilities)orders an effort to do or accomplish somethingI'm pretty good at fixing things, so how about if I give it a whirl? assays(archaic), attempts, bashes(chiefly British), bids, cracks, endeavors, essays, flings, goes, offers, passes, shots, stabs, trials, tries, whacks strivings, struggles, throes, undertakingstrial and errors whirlsverbpresent tense third-person singular of whirlto cause (as a liquid) to move about in a circle especially repeatedlywhirled the chocolate syrup into the milk with a spoon agitates, churns, stirs, swirls, washes beats, paddles, whips, whisksreels, shakes, wheels to move (something) in a curved or circular path on or as if on an axisthe figure skater whirled his partner with effortless grace pivots, revolves, rolls, rotates, spins, swings, swirls, swivels, turns, twirls, twists, wheels screws, unscrewstwiddlescoils, cranks, reels, windscirculates to move in circles around an axis or centerthe gambler held his breath as the roulette wheel whirled gyrates, pinwheels, pirouettes, revolves, rolls, rotates, spins, turns, twirls, wheels coils, curls, curves, rounds, spirals, swirls, twines, twists, windscircles, circulates, encircles, orbits, ringspivots, swivels to proceed or move quicklycars whirling by on the highway barrels, belts, blasts, blazes, blows, bolts, bombs(slang), bowls, breezes, bundles, bustles, buzzes, cannonballs, careens, careers, chases, courses, cracks (on), dashes, drives, flies, hares, hastens, hies, highballs, hotfoots (it), humps, hurls, hurries, hurtles, hustles, jets, jumps, motors, nips, pelts, races, rams, rips, rockets, runs, rushes, rustles, scoots, scurries, scuttles, shoots, speeds, steps, tears, travels, trots, whisks, zips, zooms beetles, darts, flits, scampers, scuds, scufflesstampedes, streaks, whizzesgallops, jogs, sprintsaccelerates, quickens, steps outcatches up, fast-forwards, outpaces, outruns, outstrips, overtakesarrows, beelines beats it, gets a move on, makes tracks, shakes a leg, steps on it crawls, creeps, pokes dallies, dawdles, dillydallies, drags, hangs (around or out), lags, lingers, loiters, pokes, tarriesambles, lumbers, plods, saunters, shuffles, strollsdecelerates, slows (down or up) to be in a confused state as if from being twirled aroundmy mind whirled from all of the excitement reels, spins, swims, turns swirls calms, collectssettles, steadies |