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whishnoun a sound similar to the speech sound \\s\\ stretched outthe whish of tires on wet pavement whishverbto fly, turn, or move rapidly with a fluttering or vibratory soundseemingly out of nowhere, a baseball whished past my head bumble, burr, buzz, drone, hum, whir(also whirr), whiz(or whizz), zip, zoom chirr, churrthrumfizz, hiss, murmur, purr, rustle, sigh, sizzle, swish, whispercoo, currwheeze, whistle, whoosh to make a sound like that of stretching out the speech sound \\s\\the match whished as it burst into flame fizz, fizzle, hiss, sizzle, swish, whiz(or whizz) swoosh, wheeze, whistle, whoosh, zipbubble, effervescebuzz, drone, hum in 1518 |