例句 |
perambulatingverbpresent participle of perambulate to make one's way through, across, or overwe decided to lazily perambulate the entire length of the esplanade and enjoy the fresh air coursing, covering, crossing, cutting (across), following, going, navigating, passing (over), peregrinating, proceeding (along), tracking, transiting, traveling(or travelling), traversing hiking, traipsing, tramping, treading, walkingriding, runningcrisscrossing to travel by foot for exercise or pleasurelong summer evenings spent perambulating up and down the tree-lined streets of the quaint village ambling, hiking, rambling, sauntering, strolling, tramping, tromping roaming, roving, wanderingperegrinating, traipsing, traversing, trekking, walkingmarching, promenadingpower walking |