例句 |
perfectionnoun exceptionally high qualityLouis Comfort Tiffany produced art glass of such exquisite perfection that he has achieved cult status choiceness, distinction, excellence, excellency, first-rateness, greatness, preeminence, primeness, superbness, superiority, supremacy faultlessness, flawlessness, impeccability, perfectnessgoodness, value, worthconsequence, importance, notability averageness, badness, crumminess, inferiority, mediocrity, ordinariness, worthlessness the most perfect type or exampleRembrandt's portraits are the perfection of the art of using facial expression, pose, and gesture to reveal the subject's interior life acme, apotheosis, beau ideal, byword, classic, epitome, exemplar, ideal, quintessence archetype, model, prototypeparadigm, standardnonpareil, paragonabstract, avatar, embodier, embodiment, incarnation, incorporation, manifestation, personificationheight, last word, meridian, ultimate, zenithbenchmark, criterion, touchstone, yardstick the quality or state of being very accurateaudio recordings were reaching a level of perfection that earlier technicians had never dreamt possible accuracy, accurateness, closeness, delicacy, exactitude, exactness, fineness, nicety, preciseness, precision, rigor, rigorousness, ultraprecision, veracity correctness, fidelity, rightness, strictness, truthdefiniteness, definitiveness, definitude, determinacysubtletycare, carefulness, fastidiousness, meticulousness, persnicketiness coarseness, impreciseness, imprecision, inaccuracy, inexactitude, inexactness, roughness approximation, roundnessfalseness, falsity, incorrectness, wrongnesscarelessness, guesswork, loosenessindefiniteness, vagueness in the 13th century |