例句 |
perfectsverbpresent tense third-person singular of perfect to bring (something) to a state where nothing remains to be doneperfected the arrangements for their long-awaited European vacation completes, consummates, finalizes, finishes, polishes follows through (with), sticks outaccomplishes, achieves, effectscarries out, carries through, discharges, does, executes, fulfills(or fulfils), performsameliorates, amends, betters, enhances, enriches, improves, melioratesmachines, refines, rounds (off or out), shines, touches up gets through abandons, deserts, discontinues, drops, forsakes, quits to make betteran art teacher who seems to believe that you can always perfect a painting with some additional brush strokes ameliorates, amends, betters, enhances, enriches, helps, improves, meliorates, refines, upgrades corrects, emends, rectifies, reforms, remediates, remediesedits, fine-tunes, redrafts, refurbishes, rehabilitates, rehabs, revamps, revises, reworksbeefs (up), boosts, fortifies, intensifies, reinforces(also reenforces), strengthensfines, hones, polishesretouches, touches up worsens damages, endamages, harms, hurts, impairs, injures, spoils, tarnishes, vitiatesblemishes, blights, defaces, disfigures, flaws, marsdiminishes, lessens, lowers, reduces |