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conclusiveadjective serving to put an end to all debate or questioningthe archeological discovery was conclusive proof that the Vikings had indeed settled in North America around 1000 A.D. absolute, clear, deciding, decisive, definitive, last determinate, determinative, dispositive, hands-down, inarguable, incontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, indubitable, irrefutable, unanswerable, undebatable, undeniable, undisputable, unquestionableunchallenged, uncontested, undisputedunambiguous, unequivocalcertain, definite, positive, surecogent, compelling, convincing, persuasive, telling inconclusive, indecisive, unclear debatable, disputable, doubtable, doubtful, moot, problematic(also problematical), questionable, refutableambiguous, equivocalcontroversial, debated, disputed having the power to persuadea conclusive argument for allowing the students to put on a play of their own choosing cogent, compelling, convincing, decisive, effective, forceful, persuasive, satisfying, strong, telling authoritative, definitivesound, valid, well-foundedimportant, significant, weightymaterial, pertinent, relevant inconclusive, indecisive, ineffective, uncompelling, unconvincing, unpersuasive groundless, invalid, shaky, unfounded, unsoundinconsequential, insignificant, unimportantimmaterial, irrelevantfeeble, weak conclusive, decisive, determinative, definitive mean bringing to an end.conclusive applies to reasoning or logical proof that puts an end to debate or questioning.conclusive evidence decisive may apply to something that ends a controversy, a contest, or any uncertainty.a decisive battle determinative adds an implication of giving a fixed character or direction.the determinative factor in the court's decision definitive applies to what is put forth as final and permanent.the definitive biography in 1536 |