例句 |
conduitsnounpl. of conduit a long hollow cylinder for carrying a substance (as a liquid or gas)the major conduit for carrying water to the military base channels, ducts, leaders, lines, penstocks, pipes, troughs, tubes drainpipes, drains, funnels, hydrants, mains, smokestacks, spouts, standpipes, stovepipes, tiles, waste pipes, waterspoutspipages(or pipeages), pipelines, pipings an open man-made passageway for waterwater flowed along the conduit to the fountain aqueducts, canals, channels, courses, flumes, racecourses, raceways, watercourses, waterways millraces, millstreamsfloodways, sluices, sluiceways, spillwaysswashes, tideways, torrentsgutters, troughsrivers, rivulets, streams |