例句 |
permissionsnounpl. of permission the approval by someone in authority for the doing of somethingshe asked for permission to have a piece of candy the President granted permission for the foreign diplomats to have special quarters allowances, authorizations, clearances, concurrences, consents, green lights, leaves, licenses(or licences), sanctions, sufferances, warrants imprimaturs, seals, signatures, stampsaccreditations, certificationsliberties, passesconcessions, patents, permitstolerances, tolerationsacceptances, acquiescences, agreements, assents, OKs(or okays)accords, grants interdictions, prohibitions, proscriptions denials, refusals, rejections, revocationstaboos(also tabus)injunctions, vetoesdeterrences, discouragements, repressions, suppressionsbans, embargoes, exclusions |