例句 |
hoardnoun a supply stored up and often hidden awaykeeps a hoard of empty yogurt containers in his basement workshop for storing whatnots cache, stash, stockpile, store coffers, deposit, funds, nest egg, savings, sinking fund, treasureinventory, pool, reserve, reservoir, stockprovisions, resourcesaccumulation, assemblage, collection, gathering, harvestrepertory a collection of things kept available for future use or needshe couldn't find one pencil with an eraser in her entire hoard of pencil stubs cache, deposit, reserve, store budget, fund, nest eggarmory, arsenal, bank, pool, reservoir, stock, stockpile, supplyaccumulation, assemblage, collection, gathering hoardverbto put (something of future use or value) in a safe or secret placehe's been hoarding empty yogurt containers all winter, with the intention of using them to start seedlings in the spring cache, lay away, lay by, lay in, lay up, put by, salt away, squirrel (away), stash, stockpile, store, stow, treasure accumulate, acquire, amass, assemble, collect, concentrate, garner, gather, pick up, round up, scrape (together)heap, pile, stackconserve, husband, preservebank, coffer, deposit, hold, keep, reserve, retain, save, set by, stock, withholdbury, conceal, ensconce, secrete set aside cast, discard, ditch, dump, fling (off or away), jettison, throw away, throw out, unloadconsume, squander, use up, wastehand out, hand over, relinquish, surrenderblow, dissipate, fritter (away), lavish, misspend, run through, spenddeplete, exhaust, expend, impoverishdispel, disperse, dissipate, scatter before the 12th century |