例句 |
holds on tophrasepresent tense third-person singular of hold on to to keep in one's mind or heartShe still holds on to that feeling. bears, cherishes, entertains, harbors, has, holds, nurses cultivates, fosters, nurtures, supports, sustainscarries, keeps, maintains, preserves, remembers, retains, treasurescleaves (to), clings (to), hugs, sticks (to)broods (about or over), fixates (on or upon), obsesses (about or over) hangs on to disregards, drops, forgets, ignores, neglects, overlooksabjures, declines, denies, disdains, refuses, rejects, repudiates, scornsabandons, deserts, discards, forsakes, gives up, parts (with), quits, renounces, throws outerases, expunges to have or keep in one's handsI can hold on to your grocery bags while you open the door. clenches, clings (to), clutches, grips, holds bears, carriesbags, captures, catches, collars, corrals, grabs, grapples, hooks, lands, latches (on or onto), nabs, nails, seizes, snaps (up), snares, snatches, takes, trapsfeels, fingers, handles, pawsclasps, embraces, grasps, hugscradles hangs on to drops, gives, hands, unclasps, unhandscedes, delivers, gives up, hands out, hands over, releases, relinquishes, renders, turns over, yields to continue to have in one's possession or powerHe's trying to hold on to his position as chairman. holds, keeps, reserves, retains, withholds conserves, guards, preserves, protects, savesboasts, enjoys, has, owns, possessescommands, controls, detains, directs, manages, rulesbears, harborscherishes, clings (to), hugs, treasures hangs on to gives up, hands over, releases, relinquishes, surrenders, yields abandons, cedes, dropscontributes, donates, gives, hands outdiscards, dumpsdeclines, rejects, repudiates, spurnsloses |