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rivalnoun one that is equal to another in status, achievement, or valuea design that is a rival to any produced by a professional graphic artist coequal, compeer, coordinate, counterpart, equal, equivalent, fellow, like, match, parallel, peer analogue(or analog)double, half, mate, twinassociate, colleague, companion, copartner, partnercompetitor one that takes a position opposite another in a competition or conflictthe boxer's toughest rival thus far adversary, antagonist, foe, opponent equal, matchenemyarchenemy, nemesiscompetitor, contestantbane, bête noire, curseassailant, attacker, combatant, invader accomplice, ally, confederate, partneradvocate, champion, exponent, proponent, supporter, sympathizer one who strives for the same thing as anotherthe four cities that are the top rivals for the site of the next Olympic Games challenger, competition, competitor, contender, contestant, corrival archrivalfinalist, semifinalistalso-ran, entrant, entry, playeradversary, antagonist, opponent noncompetitor rivalverbto engage in a contesttwo longtime friends who have rivaled for the same things at every stage of their lives battle, compete, contend, face off, fight, race, vie challenge, engage, playjockey, jostle, maneuvergo out, try outtrain, work in 1577 |