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songnoun a short musical composition for the human voice often with instrumental accompanimentshe sang a little-known song for the talent show ballad, ditty, jingle, lay, lyric, vocal anthem, cantata, canticle, carol, chorale, hymn, noel, psalm, spiritualdirge, lament, requiem, threnodyhallelujah, paeanaria, art song, barcarole(or barcarolle), blues, chanson, chant, chantey(or chanty or shanty), chorus, croon, descant(also discant), folk song, glee, lullaby, madrigal, motet, part-song, pop, rocker, round, roundelay, serenade, standarddrinking song, fight songtorch songcover, medley, remix a composition using rhythm and often rhyme to create a lyrical effectthe songs of Shakespeare lyric, poem, rune, verse rhyme(also rime)ballad, layanacreontic, clerihew, dithyramb, eclogue, elegy, English sonnet, epic, epigram, epode, epopee, epos, georgic, idyll(also idyl), jingle, lament, limerick, madrigal, ode, pastoral, pastorale, psalm, rondeau, rondel(or rondelle), rondelet, sonnet, triolet, villanellehaiku, senryu, tankablank verse, free verse, minstrelsy, poesy, poetry, versification, vers libre a rhythmic series of musical tones arranged to give a pleasing effectwhistle a song as accompaniment to your work air, lay, melody, strain, tune, warble descant(also discant)cadence, measure, meter, rhythmballad, ditty, hymn, lyric, madrigal a very small sum of moneydevelopers bought the land for a song chicken feed(slang), chump change, dime, hay, mite, peanuts, pin money, pittance, shoestring, two cents petty cash, pocket money, spending money big buck(s), boodle, bundle, fortune, king's ransom, megabuck(s), mint, wad bankroll, capital, funds, means, wherewithalopulence, pelf, riches, treasure, wealthheap, pile, potbonanza, mine, treasure trove, treasury writing that uses rhythm, vivid language, and often rhyme to provoke an emotional responsea hero honored in song and story before the 12th century |