例句 |
rivernoun a passageway for waterA fallen tree branch was floating down the river. rivulet, streamaqueduct, canal, channel, conduit, course, flume, racecourse, raceway, watercourse, waterwaymillrace, millstreamfloodway, sluice, sluiceway, spillwayswash, tideway, torrentgutter, trough an overwhelming flow or rush of somethingJet streams can be thought of as giant rivers of air that circulate around the globe. He was overwhelmed by the river of new information that the document dump provided. current, stream, tidealluvion, bath, cataclysm, cataract, deluge, flood, flood tide, inundation, Niagara, overflow, spate, torrentcloudburst, discharge, flush, gush, outflow, outpouringflux, inflow, influxavalanche, blizzardcascade, waterfallexcess, glut, overabundance, overage, overkill, overmuch, oversupply, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit, surplus dribble, drip, trickledrought(also drouth) in the 14th century |