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conjecturenoun an opinion or judgment based on little or no evidencethe many conjectures about the true identity of Jack the Ripper guess, shot, supposition, surmise hypothesis, hypothetical, theory, thesisdead reckoning, guessing, guesswork, speculationhunch, intuitionbelief, faith shot in the dark conjectureverbto decide the size, amount, number, or distance of (something) without actual measurementhe conjectured that the theater could seat 1000 people more or less calculate, call, estimate, figure, gauge(also gage), guess, judge, make, place, put, reckon, suppose conclude, deduce, extrapolate, gather, infer, reason, understand calibrate, measure, scalecompute, work out to form an opinion from little or no evidenceyou're only conjecturing that he was the culprit assume, daresay, guess, imagine, presume, speculate, suppose, surmise, suspect, suspicion(chiefly dialect) conclude, deduce, gather, inferhypothecate, hypothesize, theorizebelieve, conceive, expect, judge, reckon(chiefly dialect), take, think demonstrate, document, establish, prove, substantiate, validateascertain, determine, find out, learn in the 14th century |