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conjecturingverbpresent participle of conjecture to decide the size, amount, number, or distance of (something) without actual measurementhe conjectured that the theater could seat 1000 people more or less calculating, calling, estimating, figuring, gauging(also gaging), guessing, judging, making, placing, putting, reckoning, supposing concluding, deducing, extrapolating, gathering, inferring, reasoning, understanding calibrating, measuring, scalingcomputing, working out to form an opinion from little or no evidenceyou're only conjecturing that he was the culprit assuming, daresaying, guessing, imagining, presuming, speculating, supposing, surmising, suspecting, suspicioning(chiefly dialect) concluding, deducing, gathering, inferringhypothecating, hypothesizing, theorizingbelieving, conceiving, expecting, judging, reckoning(chiefly dialect), taking, thinking demonstrating, documenting, establishing, proving, substantiating, validatingascertaining, determining, finding out, learning |