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connectionsnounpl. of connection a place where two or more things are unitedthere's a problem at the connection where the outside wire is hooked up to the inside wiring couplings, joinings, joins, joints, jointures, junctions, junctures links, nexuses(or nexus), tiesinterconnections, intersectionsabutments, articulations, attachmentsseams, suturesconcourses, confluences, meetingsunions clefts, cracks, crevices, fissures, gaps, rifts, separations an acquaintance who has influence especially in the business or political worldI have a connection in Hollywood who might be able to get you a part in a movie contacts ins, insidersbig shots, bigwigs, somebodies, VIPsarbiters, arbitrators, conciliators, go-betweens, intercessors, intermediaries, interposers, mediators, middlemen, peacemakers the act or an instance of joining two or more things into onethat bridge is the only connection between the island and the mainland combinations, consolidations, couplings, junctions, mergers, unifications, unions agglomerations, amalgamations, blends, coalescences, fusions, intermixtures, mixes, mixtures, synthesesreunifications, reunions breakups, disconnections, dissolutions, disunions, divisions, partings, partitions, schisms, scissions, splits detachments, divorcements, separations, severances the state of having shared interests or efforts (as in social or business matters)in a truly secular society there is no connection between church and state affiliations, alliances, associations, collaborations, confederations, cooperations, hookups, liaisons, linkups, partnerships, relations, relationships, tie-ups, unions businesses, dealings, interactionsexchanges, interconnections, interrelations, mutualisms, reciprocities, symbiosesincorporations, integrations, mergers, unificationsaffinities, attachments, intimacies, rapports, sympathieskinships, solidarities, unitiescolleagueships, companies, companionships, fellowshipsbeds, cahoots, leagues disaffiliations, dissociations breakups, dissolutions, disunionsdivisions, partings, separations, severances, splitsalienations, divorces, estrangements an assignment at which one regularly works for payenjoyed self-employment and never wanted a connection with a big company appointments, berths, billets, capacities, functions, jobs, places, positions, posts, situations businesses, employments, employs, occupations, professionsworksoffices, spotscallings, pursuits, trades, vocationslines, racketsengagements, gigslivelihoods, livingscareers, lifeworks, practices(also practises)duties, missions, postings, services, tasks avocationsunemployments |