例句 |
road mapsnounpl. of road map a method worked out in advance for achieving some objectivea road map for peace in the troubled region arrangements, blueprints, designs, game plans, games, ground plans, master plans, plans, programs, projects, schemes, strategies, systems collusions, conspiracies, plotscontrivances, devices, gambits, maneuvers, ruses, stratagems, subterfuges, trickscounterplans, counterstrategies(or counter-strategies)means, tactics, techniques, waysprocedures, protocolsconceptions, ideas, projets, proposals, specifications, specificsaims, intentions, intents, purposesdiagrams, formulas(or formulae), layouts, maps, patterns, platforms, policies, recipes, setups a statement that makes something clearan article that is a good road map for any consumer attempting to negotiate his way through the maze of offerings in digital photography clarifications, constructions, elucidations, exegeses, explanations, explications, expositions, illuminations, illustrations, interpretations paraphrases, restatements, translationsannotations, commentaries, comments, epexegeses, glossesdisentanglementsanalysesedifications, enlightenmentsdefinitions, meaningsdemonstrations, enactmentsjustifications, rationales, rationalizations, reasoningscautions, caveats, warnings |