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persuasionnoun the act of reasoning or pleading with someone to accept a belief or course of actionthe suffragists' gradual persuasion of the American people that voting rights had to be extended to women conversion, convincing, inducement, inducing, persuading, suasion blandishment, cajolement, cajolery, coaxing, entreaty, exhortation, urging, wheedlingseduction, temptinginfluencing, prompting, swayinglobbying, pressuringbrainwashing, overpersuasion a body of beliefs and practices regarding the supernatural and the worship of one or more deitiesdebating theology with someone of a different persuasion credo, creed, cult, faith, religion church, communion, denomination, sectdoctrine, dogma, theologydeism, heathenism, monotheism, paganism, pantheism, polytheism, theism agnosticism, know-nothingismatheism, godlessness, nonbelief, secularism, unbelief an idea that is believed to be true or valid without positive knowledgehe's of the persuasion that everything that happens in this world is part of a divine plan belief, conviction, eye, feeling, judgment(or judgement), mind, notion, opinion, sentiment, verdict, view sayimpression, perception, takeattitudeassumption, presumption, presuppositionconclusion, decision, determinationdeliverance, esteem, estimate, estimationcredence, credit, faithconcept, conception, idea, thoughtposition, stance, standcomment, obiter dictum, observation, reflection, remarkconjecture, guess, hunch, hypothesis, surmise, theoryadvice, input, recommendation, suggestionangle, outlook, perspective, shoes, slant, standpoint, viewpointcounterview fact, truth the capacity to persuadethere was an inherent persuasion in his sonorous voice that made listeners put aside any misgivings about his message authority, cogency, conclusiveness, convincingness, effectiveness, force, forcefulness, persuasiveness, suasiveness impact, might, power, punch, strength, weightbelievability, credibility, soundness, validityauthoritativeness, definitivenessinfluence, swayappeal, seductiveness inconclusiveness, ineffectiveness, ineffectuality, ineffectualness invalidity, shakiness, unsoundnessfeebleness, powerlessness, weakness opinion, view, belief, conviction, persuasion, sentiment mean a judgment one holds as true.opinion implies a conclusion thought out yet open to dispute.each expert seemed to have a different opinion view suggests a subjective opinion.very assertive in stating his views belief implies often deliberate acceptance and intellectual assent.a firm belief in her party's platform conviction applies to a firmly and seriously held belief.the conviction that animal life is as sacred as human persuasion suggests a belief grounded on assurance (as by evidence) of its truth.was of the persuasion that everything changes sentiment suggests a settled opinion reflective of one's feelings.her feminist sentiments are well-known in the 14th century |