例句 |
pharaohnoun a person who uses power or authority in a cruel, unjust, or harmful waylike some pharaoh of a third-world country, more interested in building monuments to himself than in creating a future for his people caesar, despot, dictator, führer(or fuehrer), oppressor, strongman, tyrannizer, tyrant autarch, autocrat, monocratauthoritarian, Big Brother, paramount, potentate, totalitariancaudillo, overlord, warlordboss, captain, chief, dominator, kingpin, leader, master, overlord, rulerking, lord, monarch, prince, queen, sovereign(also sovran)baron, czar(also tsar or tzar), magnate, mogul, tycoondisciplinarian, discipliner, enforcer, martinet, taskmaster man on horseback before the 12th century |