例句 |
pharaonicadjective unusually largethe building of the Hoover Dam was a construction project of pharaonic proportions astronomical(also astronomic), Brobdingnagian, bumper, colossal, cosmic(also cosmical), cyclopean, elephantine, enormous, galactic, gargantuan, giant, gigantesque, gigantic, grand, herculean, heroic(also heroical), Himalayan, huge, humongous(also humungous), immense, jumbo, king-size(or king-sized), leviathan, mammoth, massive, mega, mighty, monster, monstrous, monumental, mountainous, oceanic, planetary, prodigious, super, super-duper, supersize, supersized, titanic, tremendous, vast, vasty, walloping, whacking, whopping big, bulky, considerable, extensive, good, goodly, great, gross, handsome, hefty, hulking, largish, major, outsize(also outsized), overgrown, oversize(or oversized), sizable(or sizeable), substantial, tidy, voluminousaugust, formidable, grandiose, imposing, lofty, majesticcavernous, monolithic, overwhelming, staggering, stupendous, toweringboundless, immeasurable, infinite bantam, bitty, diminutive, infinitesimal, Lilliputian, little bitty, micro, microminiature, microscopic(also microscopical), midget, miniature, minuscule, minute, pocket, pygmy, teensy, teensy-weensy, teeny, teeny-weeny, tiny, wee little, mini, petite, pint-size(or pint-sized), puny, small, smallish, undersized(also undersize)dinky, dwarfish, half-pint in 1792 |