例句 |
robesnounpl. of robe something that covers or conceals like a piece of clothwith the coming of spring the hills will once again don their robes of green blankets, cloaks, copes, coverings, covers, covertures, cover-ups, curtains, hoods, mantles, masks, palls, penumbrae(or penumbras), shrouds, veils, wraps blinds, concealers, screens, shieldsfig leafs(or fig leaves), Potemkin villages, Trojan horsescamouflages, disguises, facades(also façades), faces, masks, veneersglosses, varnishes robesverbpresent tense third-person singular of robeto outfit with clothes and especially fine or special clothesrobed the queen in her ceremonial garments apparels, arrays, attires, bedecks, caparisons, clothes, costumes, decks (out), does up, dresses, dresses up, enrobes, garbs, garments, gets up, gowns, habits, invests, rigs (out), suits, togs (up or out), toilets, vestures cloaks, frocks, jackets, mantles, vestsdrapes, enswathes, haps(dialect), huddles, swaddles, swathes, wrapsaccoutres(or accouters), bedights(archaic), equips, furnishes, habilitates, outfits, tailors, uniformsdresses down, underdresses disarrays, disrobes, strips, unclothes, undresses, untrusses(archaic) denudes, divests, uncovers, undrapes, unveils |