例句 |
wins (over)verbpresent tense third-person singular of win (over) to cause (someone) to agree with a belief or course of action by using arguments or earnest requestsa combination of solid reasoning and outright begging won my parents over, and I became an exchange student for a year argues, brings, brings around, converts, convinces, gains, gets, induces, moves, persuades, prevails (on or upon), satisfies, talks (into) blandishes, blarneys, cajoles, coaxes, entreats, exhorts, fast-talks, urges, wheedlesallures, beguiles, leads on, lures, seduces, snows, temptsbrainwashes, overpersuadesinclines, influences, moves, prompts, sells, swaysattracts, draws, entices, interestschews over, converses, debates, discusses, disputes, hashes (over), mootsreasons (with) deters, discourages, dissuades, unsells |