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rocknoun slanga usually valuable stone cut and polished for ornamenta trophy wife with enough rocks to open her own jewelry store brilliant, gem, gemstone, jewel bauble, bijou, trinketbirthstonebaguette, cabochon, cameo, scarab, solitaire, teardroppaste, rhinestone, zirconcrown jewels, jewelry rough rockverbto make a series of unsteady side-to-side motionsthe boat was rocking so much that several passengers felt seasick careen, lurch, pitch, roll, seesaw, sway, toss, wobble(also wabble) blunder, buck, dodder, falter, flounder, halt, hitch, hobble, jerk, jolt, reel, shake, stagger, stumble, teeter, toddle, totter, tumble, vacillate, vibrate, waddle, waver, weaveoscillate, undulate, wag, waggle to swing unsteadily back and forth or from side to sidethe drunk rocked on his heels for a moment and then fell flat on his back falter, teeter, totter, waver, wobble(also wabble) flounder, lurch, stumble, toddlequake, quaver, quiver, shake, shudder, tremble, vibratecareen, reel, stagger, weave to make senseless or dizzy by a blowshe rocked the mugger with a single punch and then ran daze, stun deaden, knock out, paralyzebenumb, numb, stupefybowl over, knock downbang, bash, belt, bludgeon, bonk, bop, clobber, clock, clout, hammer, hit, paste, pound, punch, rap, slam, slap, slug, smack, smite, sock, strike, swat, thump, thwack, wallop, whack, whalebatter, beat, buffet, bung, chop, cuff, drub, mangle, maul, pelt, pummel knock for a loop, knock silly to make a strong impression on (someone) with something unexpectedthe news of the mayor's sudden death rocked the city amaze, astonish, astound, bowl over, dumbfound(also dumfound), flabbergast, floor, shock, startle, stun, stupefy, surprise(also surprize), thunderstrike befuddle, bewilder, blindside, blow away, confound, confuse, daze, discomfit, disconcert, dismay, jar, muddle, nonplus, perplex, shake up knock for a loop, take aback, take by surprise v.shake, agitate, rock, convulse mean to move up and down or to and fro with some violence.shake often carries a further implication of a particular purpose.shake well before using agitate suggests a violent and prolonged tossing or stirring.an ocean agitated by storms rock suggests a swinging or swaying motion resulting from violent impact or upheaval.the whole city was rocked by the explosion convulse suggests a violent pulling or wrenching as of a body in a paroxysm.spectators were convulsed with laughter in the 12th century |