例句 |
conservationnoun the careful maintaining and protection of something valuable especially in its natural or original stateeveryone has a duty to aid in the conservation of our nation's wilderness areas conservancy, preservation, sustentation care, maintenance, upkeepsalvation, savingdefense, guardianship, guarding, keeping, protection, safeguarding, safekeepingeconomy, husbandry, management dereliction, ignoring, neglect, squandering, wastedestruction, ruindamage, harm, hurt, injury the act or activity of keeping something in an existing and usually satisfactory conditionthe conservation of the nation's monuments and memorials care and feeding, conserving, keep, maintenance, preservation, preserving, sustentation, upkeep conservancysupport, sustainingcare, custody, guardianshipdefense, guarding, protection, safeguarding, safekeeping dereliction, disregard, ignoring, inattention, neglect, negligencedamage, demolition, destruction, harm, hurt, injury, ruin, ruination in the 14th century |