例句 |
conservativeadjective tending to favor established ideas, conditions, or institutionsconservative baseball fans consider the new ballpark too modern-looking and plain ugly archconservative, brassbound, button-down(or buttoned-down), die-hard, hidebound, mossbacked, old-fashioned, old-line, old-school, orthodox, paleoconservative, reactionary, standpat, traditional, traditionalistic, ultraconservative, unprogressive conventional, squaredevoted, faithful, loyal, staunch(also stanch), steadfast, steady, true, true-blueblimpish, neoconservative, Tory, ultraright, ultrarightistdowdy, fogyish(or fogeyish), fuddy-duddy, ossified, set, stodgyright, right-wingantiliberal, antimodern, antiprogressive, antireform, antirevolutionary broad-minded, large-minded, liberal, nonconservative, nonconventional, nonorthodox, nontraditional, open-minded, progressive, unconventional, unorthodox anticonventional, antiestablishment, antitraditional, extremist, radical, revolutionarynonconformistadvanced, contemporary, modernlefty, radical, ultraleft, ultraleftist, ultraprogressive, ultraradical not excessively showydressing in conservative outfits so as to make a good impression at job interviews low-key(also low-keyed), muted, quiet, repressed, restrained, sober, subdued, toned-down, understated, unflashy, unpretentious appropriate, becoming, fit, fitting, proper, suitablemodest, plain, simple, unadorned, undecoratedinconspicuous, unnoticeable, unobtrusivegraceful, handsome, refined, tastefuldrab, mousy(or mousey)practical, sensible flamboyant, flaring, flashy, garish, gaudy, glitzy, loud, noisy, ostentatious, razzle-dazzle, splashy, swank(or swanky) meretriciousgraceless, inelegant, tacky, tasteless, tawdry, trashy, vulgarbaroque, fancy, frilly, gilded(or gilt), ornate, rococooverdecorated, overdone, overwrought having or showing a close attentiveness to avoiding danger or troublemade conservative investments, and so he wasn't ruined when the market went into a free fall alert, careful, cautious, chary, circumspect, considerate, gingerly, guarded, heedful, safe, wary advertent, attentive, awake, observant, regardful, vigilant, watchfulhypercautiousforesighted, foresightful, forethoughtful, provident, thoughtfulcagey(also cagy), calculating, canny, shrewddeliberate, slowultracareful, ultracautious careless, heedless, incautious, unguarded, unmindful, unsafe, unwary bold, brash, impetuous, rash, reckless, venturesomeasleep, inattentive, regardlessinconsiderate, thoughtlesslax, neglectful, negligent, remissimprudent, indiscreet, injudiciousabsentminded, forgetfulinadvertent, unintentional, unplanned conservativenouna person whose political beliefs are centered on tradition and keeping things the way they areproposed legislation that was opposed by conservatives throughout the state archconservative, paleoconservative, reactionary, rightist, right-winger, Tory, traditionalist right, right-wingconformistneocon, neoconservativediehard, standpatterbourbon, Colonel Blimp, fuddy-duddy, square, stuffed shirt leftist, left-winger, lefty, liberal, progressive extremist, radical, red, revolutionary, revolutionistreformer, reformist in the 14th century |