例句 |
constellationsnounpl. of constellation a number of things considered as a unitthe constellation of beliefs, attitudes, and values that serve to define liberalism today arrays, assemblages, bands, banks, batches, batteries, blocks, bunches, clots, clumps, clusters, clutches, collections, groupings, groups, huddles, knots, lots, musters, packages, parcels, passels, sets, suites accumulations, aggregates, aggregations, conglomerationsagglomerations, assortments, hodgepodges, jumbles, miscellanies, mixtures, odds and ends, sundries, varietiescycles, runs, series, suits the whole kit and caboodle entities, items, singles, units a usually small number of persons considered as a unitthe organization invited an impressive constellation of guest speakers arrays, bands, batches, batteries, bodies, boodles, bunches, clusters, clutches, consorts, crops, groupings, groups, huddles, knots, lots, parcels, parties, passels assemblies, collectives, congregations, gatherings, musters, organizationscircles, clans, cliques, coteries, fellowships, gangs, rings, rounds, setsfactions, guilds(also gilds), orders, schools, sectsbrigades, crews, outfits, phalanxes(or phalanges), platoons, posses, task forces, teamsalliances, blocs, coalitions, confederacies, confederations, federations, leagues, unionsbattalions, squadronsbevies, broods, coveys the whole kit and caboodle individuals, singles the way in which the elements of something (as a work of art) are arrangedthere's a constantly shifting constellation of relationships among the characters of the novel arrangements, compositions, configurations, designs, formats, forms, getups, layouts, makeups, ordonnances, patterns motifs, themes |