例句 |
constitutesverbpresent tense third-person singular of constitute to be all the substance ofnine players constitute a baseball team composes, comprises, forms, makes up embodies, epitomizes, incarnates, incorporates, integrates, materializes, personifies, substantiatescomplements, completes, supplementsfills (out), fleshes (out) to be responsible for the creation and early operation or use ofa fund was constituted to help needy students attend the prep school begins, establishes, founds, inaugurates, initiates, innovates, institutes, introduces, launches, pioneers, plants, sets up, starts authors, fathers, originatesconceives, concocts, contrives, cooks (up), creates, devises, fabricates, invents, makes up, manufactures, produces, thinks (up)constructs, puts updevelops, enlarges, expandsendows, finances, funds, subsidizesarranges, organizes, systematizes, systemizesrefounds, reinitiates, reinstitutes, relaunches closes (down), phases out, shuts (up) abolishes, annihilates, annuls, nullifiesends, finishes, halts, stops, terminatesrounds (off or out), winds up, wraps up to pick (someone) by one's authority for a specific position or dutythe legally constituted authorities with jurisdiction in this matter appoints, assigns, attaches, commissions, designates, details, names, nominates, places authorizes, delegates, deputes, deputizesanoints, consecrates, creates, inaugurates, inducts, installs, instates, institutes, invests, makes, ordainscrowns, enthrones, throneschooses, destines, drafts, elects, handpicks, selects, singles (out), votes (in) discharges, dismisses, expels, fires blackballs, deposes, dethrones, displaces, ejects, evicts, ousts, overthrows, removes, throws out, uncrowns, unmakes, unseats to put into effect through legislative or authoritative actioncharged with enforcing such regulations as are constituted by the government enacts, lays down, legislates, makes, ordains, passes reenacts, repassesbrings about, effectsallows, authorizes, permits, sanctionsdecrees, dictates, proclaimsadministers, executesapproves, confirms, ratifies repeals, rescinds, revokes abolishes, abrogates, annuls, cancels, invalidates, kills, nullifiesoverturns, reverses, voids |