例句 |
constitutionnoun the set of qualities that makes a person, a group of people, or a thing different from othersthe question of whether violent conflict is part of the constitution of human society character, clay, colors, complexion, genius, nature, personality, self, tone distinctiveness, distinctness, individuality, singularity, uniquenessattribute, characteristic, earmark, essentiality, feature, flavor, hallmark, mark, point, property, savor(also savour), stamp, traitdisposition, grain, sort, temper, temperamentcomposition, makeupessence, essentiality, interior, interiority, soul, spiritmetal, stuff, substancehabit, way the type of body that a person hasthat marathon runner is known more for her strong constitution than for her speed build, figure, form, frame, habit, physique, shape anatomy, structure a collection or system of rules of conductour society's constitution requires that every member in good standing pay yearly dues a rule of conduct or action laid down by a governing authority and especially a legislaturethe constitution against murder is universal among civilized societies act, bill, enactment, law, ordinance, statute command, commandment, decree, dictate, directive, edict, fiat, rulingbylaw, ground rule, regulation, ruleamendment, legislationcommon law, martial lawblue lawprohibition, proscription, restrictioncanon, capitulary, encyclical higher law in the 14th century |