例句 |
constitutionaladjective being a part of the innermost nature of a person or thinga man notable for his poor hygiene and apparently constitutional aversion to soap built-in, constitutive, essential, hardwired, immanent, inborn, inbred, indigenous, ingrain, ingrained(also engrained), inherent, innate, integral, intrinsic, native, natural basic, deep-rooted, elemental, fundamentalcongenital, hereditary, inherited, inmost, inner, interiorinternalcharacteristic, distinctive, peculiarhabitual, inveteratenormal, regular, typical in one's blood adventitious, extraneous, extrinsic alien, foreignaccidental, coincidental, incidentalacquired, adscititioussuperficial, surfaceexterior, external constitutionalnouna relaxed journey on foot for exercise or pleasurewent for my evening constitutional in the park amble, perambulation, ramble, range, saunter, stroll, turn, walk, wander parade, paseo, promenadeexpedition, hike, march, peregrination, traipse, tramp, travel, traversal, traverse, trek, trip, walkaboutexcursion, jaunt, junket, outing, sally, sashay, spin, tourpilgrimage, progress, safari in 1682 |