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consultnoun an exchange of views for the purpose of exploring a subject or deciding an issueit was time for a change of do, which called for a consult with her hairdresser argument, argumentation, argy-bargy(chiefly British), back-and-forth, colloquy, confab, confabulation, conference, consultation, council, counsel, debate, deliberation, dialogue(also dialog), discussion, give-and-take, palaver, parley, talk bull session, chat room, forum, meeting, powwow(informal, now offensive), roundtable, seminar, skull session(also skull practice), symposium, talkathonchat, conversation, rap, wordsdiscourse, disquisitionbargaining, consultancy, negotiation, pourparler consultverbto exchange viewpoints or seek advice for the purpose of finding a solution to a problemwill consult with several experts on the disease before deciding which course of treatment to pursue advise, confab, confabulate, confer, counsel, parley, powwow, treat argue, bandy, bat (around), chew over, debate, deliberate, discuss, dispute, hash (over), kick around, moot, palaver, talk, talk over, ventilaterehashcoach, guide, tutorrecommend, suggestdirect, refer (to) to use or seek out as a source of aid, relief, or advantageI often consult the dictionary when I am uncertain of a word's exact meaning go (to), refer (to), resort (to), turn (to) employ, use, utilizedepend (on), rely (on) fall back on in 1527 |