例句 |
rodnoun a heavy rigid stick used as a weapon or for punishmentarrested for using a rod on his dogs in violation of the state's animal cruelty laws bastinado(or bastinade), bat, baton, billy, billy club, bludgeon, cane, club, cudgel, nightstick, rung(Scottish), sap, shillelagh(also shillalah), staff, truncheon, waddy(Australian) blackjack, knobkerrie, macebirch, crabstick, hickory, rattan, stave, switchbeetle, gavel, hammer, mallet, maul, sledgehammercrook, crosier(or crozier), walking stick, whangee a straight piece (as of wood or metal) that is longer than it is widea curtain rod bar, billet arbor, beam, board, crossbar, crossbeam, girderband, stripbloom, ingot, slab, stick before the 12th century |