例句 |
contactsnounpl. of contact an acquaintance who has influence especially in the business or political worldan intern who got her summer job in the governor's office through contacts connections ins, insidersbig shots, bigwigs, somebodies, VIPsarbiters, arbitrators, conciliators, go-betweens, intercessors, intermediaries, interposers, mediators, middlemen, peacemakers contactsverbpresent tense third-person singular of contactto transmit information or requests toyou can contact me at this number addresses, communicates (with), gets, reaches gets through (to)acquaints, advises, apprises, briefs, clues, enlightens, familiarizes, fills in, informs, instructs, notifies, tells, wises (up)buzzes, calls, phones, rings (up)(chiefly British), telephoneskeeps up (with) gets hold of, gets in touch with(or keeps in touch with), touches base (with) |