例句 |
hostnoun a great number of persons or creatures massed togethera host of people assembled along the parade route to see the new president army, bike(chiefly Scottish), cram, crowd, crush, drove, flock, herd, horde, legion, mass, mob, multitude, press, rout, scrum, swarm, throng masses, millions, rabble, rabblement, riffraffgaggleheap, mountain, pilejam, logjam a large body of men and women organized for land warfarethe small band of defenders was no match for the enemy's mighty host of thousands army, array, battalion, legion militia, national guard, standing armyinfantry, ranks, regulars, soldiers, troopers, troops a person who conducts a program of entertainment by making introductions and providing continuityour favorite morning TV show has a new host announcer, emcee, MC mistress of ceremoniesDJ, disc jockey(or disk jockey), shock jock, veejay, VJhuckster, pitchmananchor, anchorman, anchorperson, anchorwoman, newscasterCBer, ham, radioman master of ceremonies in the 13th century |