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sourcesnounpl. of source a point or place at which something is invented or providedwe were uncertain as to the source of the rumors a source of inspiration cradles, fonts, fountainheads, fountains, origins, roots, seedbeds, springs, wells, wellsprings beginnings, commencements, dawns, day ones, geneses, get-goes(also git-goes), inceptions, incipiences, incipiencies, kickoffs, launches, mornings, nascences, nascencies, onsets, outsets, starts, thresholdsbaselines, first bases, ground zeros, square ones the beginning part of a stream19th-century explorers who sought the source of the Nile heads, headstreams, headwaters fountainheads, fountains, geysers, headsprings, hot springs, springs, wellspringsbranches, feeders, tributaries something mentioned in a text as providing related and especially supporting informationthe professor asked the students to have at least five different sources for their papers authorities, references citations, excerpts, extracts, quotationscaptions, cross-references, footnotes, notes |