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retainverb to continue to have in one's possession or powerI plan to retain the family heirlooms until my own children are mature enough to appreciate them, and then I will lovingly pass them on hold, keep, reserve, withhold conserve, guard, preserve, protect, saveboast, enjoy, have, own, possesscommand, control, detain, direct, manage, rulebear, harborcherish, cling (to), hug, treasure hang on to, hold on to give up, hand over, release, relinquish, surrender, yield abandon, cede, dropcontribute, donate, give, hand outdiscard, dumpdecline, reject, repudiate, spurnlose to keep, control, or experience as one's ownthat author retains the right to veto any changes in his books suggested by his publisher's notoriously intrusive editor command, enjoy, have, hold, own, possess keep, reserve, withholdbear, carryboast, show off, sport rejoice in lack, want abandon, cede, disclaim, disown, hand over, relinquish, renounce, surrender, yielddiscard, dumpdecline, reject, repudiate, spurnneed, require to provide with a paying jobher neighbor retained her as a nanny for the summer, thus giving her something to do until school started again assume, employ, engage, fee(chiefly Scottish), hire, lay on(chiefly British), pay, place, recruit, sign (up or on), take on reemploy, reengage, rehireapprentice, contract, job, partner, subcontractenlistadvance, promote, upgradekeep (on)headhunt, scout ax(or axe), can, discharge, dismiss, fire, sack furlough, lay off, lock out keep, retain, detain, withhold, reserve mean to hold in one's possession or under one's control.keep may suggest a holding securely in one's possession, custody, or control.keep this while I'm gone retain implies continued keeping, especially against threatened seizure or forced loss.managed to retain their dignity even in poverty detain suggests a delay in letting go.detained them for questioning withhold implies restraint in letting go or a refusal to let go.withheld information from the authorities reserve suggests a keeping in store for future use.reserve some of your energy for the last mile in the 15th century |