例句 |
sowverb to cover by or as if by scattering something over or onsow the fields with maize in early spring, and the crop should be ready by late summer bestrew, dot, pepper, scatter, spot, spray, sprinkle, strew blanket, drizzle, duststuddapple, fleck, speckle, stipplebespatter, spatter to put or set into the ground to growfirst sow the seeds in potting soil to set permanently in the consciousness or mind-seta malicious neighbor who sowed within him nagging suspicions about his wife breed, enroot, implant, inculcate, infix, inseminate, instill, plant drive, hammer, poundembed(also imbed), entrench(also intrench), fix, lodge, rootimbue, infuse, ingrain(also engrain), inoculate, invest, steep, suffuse before the 12th century |